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I am cherished everyday around a table surrounded by a family. What am I?


The importance placed on sharing a meal in French culture is something I haven't found in Anglo-Saxon culture. Food gathers and unites, conversations are taken and times are shared. Memories are built and identity is formed. Most family time in everyday life is centered around the meal, and nothing could replace it. When I was growing up, every opportunity to share a meal was taken seriously. When the time came "A table!" was yelled in the whole house and most likely one of my siblings or myself had already set the table. If you didn't show up, you were in for some trouble! Many times we were complaining, but now I would do anything to unite over a good French dinner. A French meal is a full experience for your senses, food is precious and appreciated. 🍽

Yes, it is a 4 course meal and would usually take a full-hour if not more. You would have to wait for the other members of the family to finish their dish to be able to move on to the next dish. Entree, Plat, Fromages, Desserts. When we had people over or gathered with the greater family, prior to the 4 course meal would be the apero. L'apero could last as long as the dinner, an assembly of tapas and a panoply of alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages to choose from... 🥂

France has a myriad of meals that are more than just food, it is an experience. One that comes to mind is La fondue Savoyarde, this one could lead to some battles between siblings or cousins. 🧀

Let me explain this delicious concept; imagine a pot filled with exquisite cheeses of the Savoie region - emmental, comte, beaufort - that has been melted with white wine and cream, heated up so that the mix is smooth and tasteful. I know, not the most healthy meal, I guess that's how you can endure winter up there in the Alps. Then it's almost like a game, you stab some bits of baguette with a sort of needle and you go in for a swim in the pot: you drown the piece of baguette thoroughly, twisting the cheesy blend around the bread before dashing for your mouth swiftly. You are in for a culinary moment! Don't forget to wait for everyone to have sat down before you can begin the fondue by saying "Bon appĂŠtit".

Savoyarde is the adjective that informs us of the provenance of this dish. La fondue is from Savoie (Savoy in English), a region located in the French Alps. It is well known for its ski resorts and hydrotherapy centers as well as for its cows that produce traditional cheeses. The region has greatly contributed to French cuisine. 🐄🎿

La fondue Savoyarde is one of many French culinary specialties, and I cannot wait to share more. By sharing these memories about French culture, I hope to create in you, my reader, an interest in the culture and create bridges between all the beautiful cultures of this world.

A bientĂ´t, for new delicious encounters.

If you want to hear more stories, don't forget to follow my socials or visit the blog :)



Have you tried la fondue savoyarde?

  • YES, it was delicious :)

  • NO but I would love to!

  • YES, not my cup of tea though.

  • NO but non merci ;)



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